Sign our submission and show your support
I am making a submission on behalf of Browns Bay residents and those who travel through the roundabout on the corners of Beach and Bute Roads, Browns Bay. The improvements have been through the public submission process and were scheduled to happen between July 2020 and June 2021. However, due to lack of budget, this project has been put on hold with no guarantee when it will begin.
This roundabout causes safety concerns for residents of Aria Bay Retirement Village and users of the RSA, Browns Bay Bowling Club and Browns Bay Taiaotea Kindergarten who need to cross at this very busy intersection. Those affected, and travellers alike, have experienced several near-misses and are very concerned a fatal accident could happen at any time.
Auckland Transport has already recognised the need for this improvement by stating on your website: “This proposal aims to address pedestrian safety at the roundabout by improving the crossing facilities and reducing the speed of traffic approaching the roundabout.”
Aria Bay first initiated a discussion with Auckland Transport 40 years ago and Erica Stanford has been involved since 2016 to have pedestrian access added to this roundabout. Since then, Aria Bay has significantly increased in size and is currently continuing with its expansion. Browns Bay Bowling Club has also seen a rise in membership and activity due to them accommodating the RSA within their facilities.
I am asking Auckland Transport to commit to beginning this vital upgrade within the first five months of the 2021/2022 financial year.
Proposed plan for the roundabout​
For full details, CLICK HERE to be redirected to Auckland Transports website.